Web lecture: “Christian Science — a clearer view of you”


8 Nov, 2020    
2:00 pm


Who are we, really?  You and I, and all humanity?  The health, harmony, and joy we experience in life depends on our answer to this question.

Find out more at this one-hour web lecture with Lyle Young*

Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Christian Science church, had a profound insight into the nature of God as infinite Love.  She perceived that God is the only substance, intelligence and Life of the universe, without the opposition typically ascribed to darkness or evil.  Moreover, Eddy realized that this was the basis of Jesus’ healing works.

Such an unusual theology might have ended as a footnote to history, except that Eddy and her students boldly used it to reinvigorate Christianity and its lost element of healing.  Since then, some 65,000 accounts of healing have been verified and published — healings of everything from cancer to AIDS to blindness, from drug addiction to broken bones.

To the degree that we understand our identity as purely spiritual — knowing that each of us shines, now and eternally, as a unique expression of infinite Love — we experience healing.  The result is wellness, opportunity, spiritual progress, and the highest degree of joy.

Click here to download the flyer

Watch online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81704537897

Listen by phone: 02 8015 6011, Meeting ID: 817 0453 7897
(find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kqkZjzbq)

View on the big screen: 295 Broadway (cnr Derwent Street), Glebe, Sydney

For more information, phone: (02) 9571 9592

* Lyle Young,
CSB is a Christian Science practitioner, teacher and lecturer from Ottawa, Canada. A deep and broad love motivates Lyle; a love of God, of the ideas in the Bible and in the published writings of Mary Baker Eddy. His love and affection for humanity is expressed in a keen interest in cultures, languages, history, the arts, and sports. Lyle runs and swims regularly and is a four-season cyclist. The latter sport relates to his support for the environment.


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